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ABBA The Museum has a collaboration with the Rainbow foundation, a non-profit organisation.

Donating SEK20 to the Rainbow Foundation on every PRIDE product.

The Rainbow Foundation´s mission is to provide financial support to LGBT organisations around the world, as well as private individuals. For item sold from our Pride Collection, we will donate SEK20 to the Rainbow Foundation.


ABBA The Museum has a collaboration with the Rainbow foundation, a non-profit organisation.

The Rainbow Foundation´s mission is to provide financial support to LGBT organisations around the world, as well as private individuals. For item sold from our Pride Collection, we will donate SEK20 to the Rainbow Foundation.


ABBA The Museum has a collaboration with the Rainbow foundation, a non-profit organisation.

The Rainbow Foundation´s mission is to provide financial support to LGBT organisations around the world, as well as private individuals. For item sold from our Pride Collection, we will donate SEK20 to the Rainbow Foundation.




ABBA The Museum is more than an ordinary museum! Welcome to an interactive journey through one of the greatest success stories in music history. At ABBA the Museum in Stockholm, the legend lives on.

Visit ABBA The Museum
Visit ABBA The Museum